Rants and Raves

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 1

Well Im in my store now. My dad and I spent two or three late nights working just to get me in. I still need to paint and get the yucky green off the walls. The photography shop that was in here had that diaper green. I had to move a wall and we just transformed it into a counter and it looks really good. I have some little things to do but for the most part it is done. I have hard wood floors and that sets it off. I want the image that when people come in they are not walking into a flea market with things just cluttered and have to walk over the top of it or around it to get to the counter. I made enough money the first week to pay my bills and get moved into the store. I have some advertising that I have done, the back window car decal and a big sign for the road, some custom shirts.

I have joined the chamber and i am getting involved more in my community like I have wanted to for a while now. I  have already set up a booth at a career fair for the area schools. My booth was an old computer that I had taken apart and laid the parts on the table. This kids were amazed that "all those parts" fit in that case. LOL. I have been asked to set up a booth at a job fair and provide two computers so that applicants can go online and fill out job apps. I have been added to the advertising as a corporate sponsor.

lastly, I now have a website started and hopefully will be done by next week. The web address is: www.scrpoteau.com.

That is what is going on to date. I will post more as things develope. I have some other things that are in the works and will let you know as they progress.

until next time


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Chapter

Well I have come to another chapter in my life. I recently resigned my position at Alma School District. I have had a wonderful 2 yrs there and have met some awesome people. My experience there was overall good. But as the saying goes, "when one door closes another opens". I would like to thank the people that i worked beside for allowing me to learn some new things and relearn some old things, both work related and life related. In my opinion, some of the greatest teachers and administrators are from Alma schools. I will always remember Alma School and what it has taught me. For those of you that would like to keep in touch, my e-mail address is scovert44@hotmail.com. Starting next week I will be opening up my computer store in Poteau, something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. I know that things will be rough at first, but good things are not accomplished without a fight and determination. So as one chapter is closing a new one is unfolding. I will keep you informed as things progress and I know that they will.

Thanks again guys,

Schadowah Covert

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Apathy -Lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting. That is what Websters dictionary defines apathy. What do you think about when you hear that word? The first thing that comes to mind is selfishness. When we get our focus off of what we are called to do and get our eye's on our self and get so wrapped up in ourselves and become self centered, we then lose compassion for everything and others around us and that leaves everyone else to pick up the slack. We have to keep our focus on others while trying to maintain a balance in life. If we keep the compassion for others alive in our selves then the rest of life will fall into place. So lets get rid of the apathy in our lives. What will you do with it?

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